With the close of our hectic summer, comes very new beginnings this fall! I have the time to sit down, breathe, and write, write, write!
Our first US, 4 weeks. Can you see it?! North East of the center point. |
We began our summer with a bang! Father's Day marked the beginning of our whirlwind summer. We found out that we are going to be parents! Although a little earlier than we had planned, we are so beyond excited to bring a little one into this world.
A week after Father's Day, Jacob took off for a wedding in the States and I went to confirm the pregnancy at the doctor. We got our very first ultrasound that day.
Immediately after the appointment I called Jacob in the States (it was 1 am in Washington) to tell him he's officially a dad! We went through a myriad of emotions in the span of 30 secs. Disbelief, excitement, "how did that happen?", "oh shit!", "what?!", "no way!", anxious, nervous, basically name an emotion and we felt it.
Best friend's wedding |
Jacob returned to Korea five days later and the shock of our pregnancy slowly wore off. Besides, just because I was pregnant didn't mean our life was on pause! We started getting back into a routine at work and finished the first semester at school. The last two weeks of the semester were complete chaos. We wrote evaluations for all our students, gave out final exams, finalized plans for our two week summer camp, went shopping for supplies for our summer camp, had a Market Day for all our students, and probably fifty other things that I can't even remember. The Monday after the first semester ended, our camps began!
Market Day! |
Sandy is one of the nicest students |
"Smarties" |
In the morning, we hosted the "smartest" middle school students in Hoengseong. They were chosen to go on an all-expense paid trip to New Zealand for two weeks. Our job was to prepare them for their trip with basic English skills, culture of New Zealand, and how to behave. We spent three hours in the morning with all 25 of them. We went for a short lunch break and then welcomed all the elementary students to the center for our summer camp! We all taught three back to back classes of all different ages.
Jacob planned a science camp for the kids, Linda taught a home economics class, and I (of course) did a cooking class the first week and gym class the second week. Luckily, I had to leave in the middle our summer camp for my trip to the U.S.
The first week of camp, I taught an Intro to Cooking class, made trail mix and chocolate wafers, and finished the first week with banana splits (which were a hit!) The second week I taught a gym class. We played Hungry, Hungry Hippos (video included to the right), mine field, balloon toss, and circuit day.
Banana splits! |
Goodbye, Korea! |
My trip to the U.S was also five days long and it flew by way too fast! It was so wonderful to see my whole family, and especially catch up with friends. Being a bridesmaid in Leslie's wedding was way too much fun!
Ditsy Nikki dropped the pizza. |
I was back in Korea before I knew it. We wrapped up the second week of our summer camp, so incredibly exhausted! Imagine being in a stuffy gym for three straight hours with no A/C, it's 95 degrees outside and 80% humid. My last day of gym class was close to the best day of my life! Our very last day of summer camp we had a small closing ceremony, played games, and had a pizza party for the kids.
Off to Japan! |
We were so grateful to be finished with those grueling two weeks! However, just because camp finished didn't mean it was time to relax! We had to start packing the minute we got home on Friday night for our 12 noon flight the next day to Tokyo....